Labbe Painting

220 Couchtown Rd, Warner, NH 03278
Phone: 603-456-2050

I'm Jason Labbe and am the proud owner of Labbe Painting. We've been serving the painting and staining needs of Kearsarge area residents for over 5 years! We serve Warner, Webster, Contoocook, Hopkinton, New London, Andover, Wilmot, Salisbury, Boscawen, Concord, Penacook, Henniker, Bradford, and Sutton.

We offer free estimates and try to schedule them on Sundays - although we're happy to make accommodations when requested. It typically takes me about an hour, depending on the details of the job, to complete the on site preliminary physical estimate. It then takes an additional 3-7 days to return a detailed written estimate.

Everyone understands that having a professional do a home improvement project is probably best. With painting however many people feel they can do the project themselves and save money. Believe me, you absolutely can! I'm happy to give you some pointers. The thing is painting takes patience, a steady hand, and hard work. A painting professional offers a sort of freedom - they come in and make the things you see better, they fix the walls, ceilings, and oftentimes floors too. Everything in your visual field. Your painting professional sees your vision and makes it happen with no stress added to the homeowner, just a job well done.

Please contact me to schedule a no pressure, free, and friendly estimate:

Copyright Kearsarge Area Chamber of Commerce | P.O. Box 301 | Warner, NH 03278
Visitor Center: 896 Main St, Contoocook, NH 03229