Present were: Sue and Sean Bowman, Stefanie, Carolyn B., Alice Chamberlain, Rebecca, Angela, Donna, Martha, Kay, Nancy L., Nina, Bette. 1- Update WFFF. Many good things happened. More volunteers needed next year. 2- Alice C. represents the Eat Local group and it'll be great to have them participate again. 3- Shopping Tour 12/10/11. Simple Poster with pertinent dates. No individual business names, since we don't have a list yet. Deadline for businesses to sign up is Nov.4. Fees - $100/ business. $50/ nonprofits If money left over, put it towards the Feb. event and the May event. 4- Ads - We need to have an ad ready by Wed. for the Andover paper. I asked Sandy for one. 5- Officers - even though we're very "loose", we still need someone to sign the checks and we need to get the checkbook from Cindy, at the Colby Realty. Bette (Lizzy Stitch) has agreed to handle the money. Angela has offered to send out reminders like she does for the KCPA activities. THANKYOUAMILLIONANGELA!!!! 6- We talked about activities, but the poster and ads took most of the time. NEXT MEETING WILL BE OCTOBER 25 AT 8:30 AM AT THE VELVET MOOSE. Thank you all for attending, and thank you, Stefanie, for the coffee and muffins.