Kearsarge Area Chamber of Commerce KACC Board Meeting January 5, 2023 Present: D. Watts, N. Thelemaque, M. Watts, H. Turner Minutes ======= + Reviewed 2022 expenses and income + 174 Members + 567 Constant Contact contacts + $9,608 estimated annual income from dues + $1,300 annual income from brochure advertising + $4,891 brochure expenses: 1,700 brochures printed + $5,810 donations + Bank account has about $14K + Discussion about forming an ambassador committee. Purpose is to promote new members and coordinate ribbon cutting ceremonies. Heather will share ideas for this. + Discussed KACC social media usage. Will have someone cover Pinterest, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Facebook is currently being maintained OK. + Discussed desire to get additional advertising in brochure to help offset the printing cost. + Discussed that we should promote the use of the Visitor Center for pop-up shops, BAHs, and meetings.