** Minutes for November 5, 2019 ** ** Board Meeting 7:30a-8:30a ** Present: Daniel Watts, Mark Winzeler, Patrick Miller, Steve Reddy (via phone) ** Absent: Mary Watts, Cheryl Johnson, Elizabeth Labbe ** Minutes by: D.Watts Board Meeting + Discussed recent expo. Final donation tallies: * $225 for Food Bank * $200 for Magdalen college students + Discussed annual meeting. Decided that the Hopkinton Library would be the location on Thu Jan 23 from 5:30p - 7:00p. Catering tbd, probably Everyday Cafe. Possible speakers to be One Million Cups Central NH and Concord Lake Sunapee Rail Trail. Current board terms are good through 2020. * Dan Watts * Mary Watts * Cheryl Johnson * Elizabeth Labbe * Patrick Miller * Steven Reddy * Mark Winzeler Proposed new board members starting 2020 through 2021 to be: * Susan Daniels * Nanette Thelemaque * Carrie Williams Board can have up to 12 members Town Liaisons are: * Laura Hallahan - Bradford * Rita Blanchard - Henniker * Ben Barton - New London * Christine Heath - Salisbury * Nancy Ladd - Warner * Nanette Thelemaque - Newbury * Openings available - Danbury, Hopkinton, Sutton, Wilmot + We should put a note in the next newsletter that we are accepting nominations for Board members. + This year we would like to get Ambassador positions filled. Ambassadors get a free month of membership for each month of service. Duties include reaching out to new members to get them up to speed on Chamber benefits and see how we can help them. + Need to promote the "Shine Local" campaign + Promote Food Pantry Quilt raffle + Discussed the desire to send a quarterly newsletter via USPS to members and to alternating Every Door Direct Mail USPS routes. + Need KACC sign for Depot. Krystin Watts has been asked to work on this. We also need a design for a wall plaque/picture similar to what Henniker Chamber of Commerce has. + KACC will donate a Chromecast to the Depot to go along with the large screen TV that Walmart donated to them.