** Minutes for May 1, 2019 ** ** Board Meeting 7a-8a ** Present: Daniel Watts, Mark Winzeler, Elizabeth Labbe ** Absent: Mary Watts (business), Cheryl Johnson, Patrick Miller (business), Steve Reddy (business) ** Liaisons: Nancy Ladd (Warner) ** Guests: Brock Coleman Board Meeting + Spring Into Warner * Scheduled for 5/18/19 * Posters are being distributed * Sign-up forms are on KACC website + Business Showcase * Scheduled for 11/02/19 - NH Open Doors weekend * Need a group of people to organize the event + Who will be project leader? Elizabeth has offered. Should we pay someone? + Patrick, Steve, Mark, and Elizabeth are on-board + Dan & Mary are available to provide background support * Previous notes: + Will we make changes to start / stop time? + Will there be food other than baked goods? Should we look into getting one or two food trucks to attend? + Nancy Ladd discussed the need for an industrial dishwasher at Warner Town Hall. Since KACC hosts or co-hosts events there, she wanted to know if KACC would consider a donation. Dan suggested $500 would be reasonable and asked Nancy to send a formal request for funds. + The brochure is going to pre-press this weekend. The goal is to have hardcopy in time for Spring Into Warner + The popularity of the two recent SCORE events was discussed. Dan will reach out to our SCORE contact to let them know we would like to have more events in Warner. + Could use more photos of Mt Kearsarge to use on the brochure cover. A suggestion of obtaining an aerial photo was made.